Service merits ofSERVICE-WEBER


In the follower you find detailed descriptions of my offered service merits:

Façade designs

Organization and production of façade designs belongs to an important area of responsibility within the construction. Besides, I come with arrangement completely on your imagination and defaults or, however, them can be convinced of my ideas gladly.
You get the result either as a large-size, colored Plotts in a 2-dimensional front view or also, on request, as a real 3-dimensional sketch. Then different views can be done by such a sketch (these become naturally also large-sizely plotts). You can find examples such 3D of drafts on my reference page. All sketch data are provided always at the same moment on your customer's page to the call for the immediate use.


Technical preliminary planning

An important and essential task in connection with a façade design are the technical solutions which walk along with the draft, and the circumstances on the spot. It will never be bad to bring such a preliminary planning in addition with in an offer, so that your customer also receives an imagination not only from the show page of the instrument, but itself already at the same moment also a specified picture of the whole technical equipment can do. Also for your own considerations the before planning is meaningful to recognize what is feasible. You get such a planning work with the façade design as a technical sketch with important measurements of instrument and area in different cuts and arbitrary scales.
These sketches are at the same moment also always a component of your customer's page.



The most important for the smooth processing of an order is an unproblematic technical construction in your workshop. Besides, an ingenious and mature construction is the guarantor that this happens during the simultaneous creation of the instrument in all workshop areas. A basis for such a construction are large-size sketches in the format 1:1 and 1:10. A traced constuction work from my office applies about all construction areas of the organ to be built. In this connection, particularly value is put on exactness, variety of information, a simple legibility by multicoloured representation and showing the different construction areas by repeated views in different cuts. This is guaranteed by a particularly high number in existing sketches of a building project.
In addition you get to the better overview total views of the construction, also split up in different cuts, and several sketches in the format 1:10 / 1:20


Sounding concept

The design of the whole organ includes the elaboration of the tonal area with. In connection with certain organ types and, from technical respect, the whistles dimensions, I also offer this area. This is particularly important in this respect, so that an uncomplicated action of a complex whole construction is guaranteed in short time. The Vorhandensein of this information is crucial in every respect for me for a fast action.


Dispositionsparticulars und scales

On request I gladly do to you in connection with the sound draft an elaboration of the arrangement and first of all the composition of all pipe scales.

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